Help your members get back to their old selves. Faster, cheaper, happier.

Everybody wants to get back to health quickly. They just need a little help.

We use positive, daily motivation to get your members to stick to their treatment plan.

Report that Perx helped them
manage their recovery

Give support from Day 1

Physical or psychological injuries can easily overwhelm a person’s life. Debilitating pain, family disruption, new treatment information, recovery routines, and a sudden interruption to work. In this moment your people need help.

Perx provides the structure needed to quickly adapt and feel in control again. We simplify a member’s treatment plan and give daily, positive motivation to stay on track. 74% report that Perx helped them managed their recovery.

Help your members.
Help your bottom line.

We all want to help members and improve health outcomes, but programs have to add up financially as well as clinically.

Perx Health programs deliver both. We’ve proven 6.4x ROI and claims reduction savings of $6,234 for global health plans. We’ll also calculate ROI for your specific population before asking you to commit a cent.

Improvement in symptoms
after 8 weeks

Get fast and complete recoveries

Long recoveries are bad for everyone. They increase the chance of a member never getting back to full health and living with an injury for life. They also means more days off work and longer claim times.

Independent analysis for a national payer showed Perx members had claims that closed 57 days earlier, a 1.9x increased chance of returning to work and a 34% improvement in symptoms after 8 weeks.

Members loves Perx

The best personal injury program in the world isn’t any good if no one uses it.

At Perx we’re proud of how sticky our solution is. Members use it an average 4.5 times a day, for over 220 days. That's 44 times longer than comparable digital health solutions.

Average daily engagement

Perx Health is ready out-of-the-box.

Secure and private data management

All our solutions are HIPAA and SOC2 compliant, and Government Agency Certified

No technical integrations or data extractions

Perx works as a standalone solution, so there’s no need for complicated integrations

No staffing required and implementation

Our programs are ready out-of-the-box, so we don’t add to your staff workload

First member onboarded in less than a month

We manage program design and enrollment to make it quick to get started.

Improve your members' health outcomes with positive, daily motivation.

Speak to our team